Kentucky Longshot

The Kentucky Longshot cocktail is a delightful mix of bourbon, sweet vermouth, orange bitters, and an orange peel garnish. It was created by bartender Sean Kenyon at the Flatiron Lounge in New York City. It has been mentioned in an 1874 book about bartending as well as being referenced in the 1961 book "How to Mix Drinks" by David Embury. A Louisville bartender named Dick Stolz came up with his own version of this cocktail called the "Kentucky Derby Cocktail" which is made with bourbon, dry vermouth, orange bitters, grenadine syrup, and an orange peel garnish.

Spirit Used


2 ounce Bourbon whiskey
½ ounce) Ginger liqueur
½ ounce Peach-flavored brandy
½ tsp Angostura Bitters
½ tsp Peychaud's Bitters
Candied ginger slice


1. Stir with ice and strain into chilled cocktail glass.
2. Garnish with candied ginger perched on the rim of the glass.
3. Serve in a Cocktail Glass.

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