The Apple Cocktail was created by bartender Robert "Rosebud" in 1892. It was originally made with applejack brandy, which back in the day replaced rum as the primary spirit used in cocktails. This cocktail has a lovely crimson color, thanks to the grenadine and the luster dust. If you are not able to find edible luster dust, regular white powdered sugar works just as well.
Spirit Used
¼ ounce grenadine
¼ ounce sour mix
2 ounces apple cider
1 ounce pomegranate juice
1½ ounces spiced rum
¼ teaspoon edible glitter for garnish
1. In a cocktail shaker, combine the grenadine, sours mix, apple cider,
2. pomegranate juice, and spiced rum. Add ice and shake to chill.
3. Stir in the edible glitter and strain into a cocktail glass.