Two billion cups a day. That is how much coffee, according to statistics, the inhabitants of the Earth drink every day. Therefore, coffee shops and take-away coffee shops are opening in cities literally on every street. To surprise visitors, baristas are inventing new recipes for coffee drinks. And sometimes even avid coffee lovers get lost in such a variety.
The culture of drinking coffee in different countries, together with technology, has given us many ways to enjoy this drink. Today we will not talk about the classics, but we will tell you about the most interesting and unusual recipes that will show you an unexpected side of a coffee.
1. Brown sugar coffee
Brown Sugar is a unique drink that is difficult to categorise. You whisk the espresso with cream and maple syrup and sprinkle it with Japanese cane sugar. The sugar melts slightly, forming a thin crust that breaks with every sip, and you experience a completely new taste and texture. This beverage is popular in Taiwan. You will be struck by the simplicity with which you can achieve such an unusual effect – when the lip breaks the crust and dipped in silk – and the taste of local sugar.
2. Oriental coffee in litter teapots
Oriental coffee is a traditional drink, very common in the Middle East. It contains Malabar cardamom grains and ground Arabica coffee. The drink is served in a large teapot, so the taste is very deep and the aroma is incredibly rich. Moreover, a metal kettle keeps coffee warm for a long time, so you can enjoy it for a long time. The sweetness can be varied: it is especially good when it has a slightly sweet taste. You can also add cinnamon when cooking, but this is no longer a traditional option.

3. Egg Coffee
This coffee is prepared by beating a yolk with condensed milk until a homogeneous creamy mixture. Bitter Vietnamese coffee is poured on top of this sauce, which seeps to the bottom. The egg gives the drink a very mild taste. It was invented in Vietnam, but the egg is added to coffee not only there. In Norway, it is used to give the drink an amber colour.
4. Salted coffee
We are used to softening coffee bitterness with sugar, syrups, cream and other sweets. However, the wise Asian and Eastern people, who learned about the healing properties of coffee much earlier than the rest of the world, realised that salt and spices reveal the taste of this drink best. Add a pinch of salt to a cup of finely ground coffee, and you will get an original taste without unnecessary shades.
5. Pine cappuccino
Pine cappuccino is based on espresso, soy milk, pine cone syrup and cold cherry foam. Decorate it with pine cones and sprinkle with current dust. You’ll get a multifaceted and balanced drink, in which the bitterness of coffee is filled with tannins of pine cones, and cherry foam and currant dust leave a pleasant berry aftertaste.
6. Coconut hot cream with raspberries
This is an interpretation of raff coffee, only in coconut milk, with the addition of agave syrup and freeze-dried raspberries. It is based on a double shot of espresso. The taste is delicate, creamy, with sour notes of raspberries. Replace heavy cow’s cream with a vegetable-based version of fatty coconut milk, which we dilute to about 11% fat, which gives the drink a creamy and thick texture.
7. Coffee with butter
Do you want to lose weight? Put butter not on bread, but in your morning coffee. This drink is in demand among ladies whose life is an eternal crusade on body fat. Of course, butter coffee is only effective if you skip the rest of your breakfast. In terms of taste, like an egg, butter is excellent at softening bitterness.

8. Magic late
Magic Latte is a light double espresso-based coffee drink specially created for those who want to fall in love with coffee again. The combination of thick oat milk foam with a cloud of cotton candy will make you believe in magic. The disappearance of cotton wool is happening right before your eyes!
9. Nitrogen Coffee
Anyone who sees you with a glass of this drink in the morning will think that you are bracing yourself after a wild party. The thing is, it looks a lot like a pint of dark draft beer with airy foam. Cold Brew – brewed coffee using cold extraction – is passed through a beer tap with nitrogen. The result is a delicate texture, mild taste, pleasant vigour and no hops. And the oxygenated drink is quickly absorbed, which means it will instantly wake you up.
10. Thai coffee with creamy bergamot and lemon sauce
This drink is called Thai coffee for a reason. It is very similar to the traditional coffee that Thais drink. But it differs in that instead of condensed milk, which is familiar to Thais, you add London sauce, made on the basis of low-fat cream, caramel and bergamot. The result is a rich, sweet coffee drink.
11. Aloe cappuccino
This is the right coffee for you if you don’t want to use banal syrups. Firstly, they are everywhere, and secondly, they do not have useful properties. And in the cold period, the lack of vitamins is especially acute. Therefore, you can make aloe cappuccino based on espresso, soy milk and aloe honey. It is a light warming drink, harmonious, interesting and one of its kind.
12. Coffee with cheese
Gourmet cheese and aromatic coffee – with this luxurious combination you will feel like Mademoiselle, even sitting at the window of a one-room apartment. Some say that it was invented in France to combine these two products, others – that this is a Swiss food tradition, and you need to use only Lapland cow, goat or deer cheese. It is placed on the bottom of the glass and poured over with hot coffee. First, you drink the coffee, and then you can savour the melted cheese with a spoon.
13. Avolatte
The latest trend in hipster culinary fashion is called avolatte. This drink is a regular latte (coffee with milk), which is served in a specially cut in half and peeled from the avocado pulp. The idea became very popular on the Internet and many people borrowed it. It is believed to be an eco-friendly way to add a touch of avocado to a drink. This coffee is a bit eccentric choice, but if you like to experiment it will be perfect for you.

14. Espresso tonic
A great drink for relaxing on a Friday night. You can easily impress all your guests with this drink. It consists of a layer of coffee and a layer of tonic. The layers do not mix, which allows you to drink only coffee or tonic, or all together with the help of a cocktail tube. To create such a drink, you will need espresso, lemon, tonic, fructose syrup and purified cold water. This drink can be garnished with orange peel and rosemary.
15. Guillermo
The coffee equivalent of tequila, this is for those who like sour and citrus coffee.
In some coffee recipes, lemon can be found among the ingredients. Coffee gourmets claim that the citrus aroma perfectly enhances the taste of the coffee. A cup of espresso, prepared in the traditional way, with lime wedges – this is the real Guillermo. The number of slices is not regulated, it all depends on personal preferences.
Guillermo is not the name of a coffee bean variety, but a Spanish male name. Whether it was the owner of the café where the drink was first presented to the public or an ardent admirer of the new taste, we don’t know. Only one thing is known for certain: they began to add lime by analogy with Espresso Romano, which is served with lemon. Connoisseurs have found that the slight bitterness of lime is in harmony with the coffee taste more than the straight-line sourness of lemon.
16. Yuen Yeung
This drink is extremely popular in parts of Asia such as Hong Kong and Malaysia, where it is known as Kopi Cham. This drink is a hybrid of tea and coffee that contains 30% black coffee and 70% tea, blended with condensed milk and a sweetener.
You can serve it both hot and cold.
17. Ice cream coffee
Here’s the drink for all sweet tooth coffee lovers. This drink can easily be a desert and not a classical coffee drink. The recipe is as easy as it can be. Youll just need one shot of espresso and ice cream on a stick.
Take a deep cup and place well-frozen ice cream with the stick facing up. Take a hot espresso and pour it over your construction. And voilà – your drink is done. For the best experience dip the ice cream in coffee and bite off in small pieces. Our advice is to do it quickly or it will despair before you even notice.
18. Eiskaffe
This German coffee is served in the form of ice cubes. You can make one big cube or a few smaller. Cool espresso to room temperature and froze it in a freezer. You can experiment with different kinds of interesting moulds and shapes. Eiskaffe can be served with anything. Use
with almond petals, chocolate chips, different creamy syrups, milk or creamer.
In any case, the taste will be unusual and rich – in the best traditions of coffee lovers.
19. Coffee with vanilla cola
This coffee drink is called Vincent Vega after the John Travolta character from the movie “Pulp Fiction”, who adored vanilla cola. The peculiarity of this drink is its powerful energy properties. For preparation, you will need coffee, cola, cream and ice. Coffee is best brewed in a Turk or coffee machine. After that, you need to strain and cool it. After the coffee has cooled slightly, add ice cubes, cream and cola.
If you have workplace coffee machines at your office, then you are one lucky coffee lover. The beauty of this drink is that it is so simple that you can even make it on a break at work.
20. Black forest coffee
Viennese coffee drink with cherry aroma and “Amaretto” has been known since 1995. It requires freshly brewed coffee, chocolate syrup, cherry juice, and whipped cream. You can add grated chocolate on top as an addition. The drink has a pleasant and delicate taste.

21. Hollywood coffee
This drink combines two ingredients that at first glance seem not particularly compatible: coffee and cocoa. But this produces a spicy chocolate flavour and exquisite aroma. You should definitely try it.
22. Honey Garlic Coffee
It sounds weird but it’s worth trying.
Bring honey (3 tablespoons) to a boil in, then add a large clove of garlic, and heat again to a boil. Then add coffee (3 tsp), stir and also bring the mixture to a boil. Only after these procedures, pour the resulting mass with boiling water (350 ml), put it on the stove and wait for the coffee cap to appear. It is important not to hesitate! Try to do all the manipulations quickly so that the ingredients combine into a single taste.
23. Coffee with wine
The owners of the American café Molinari Private Reserve from the Napa Valley have come up with a new drink – coffee with a taste of red wine. The barista of the establishment takes a Merlot and roasts coffee beans in it, creating a coffee variety that not only smells like wine but also tastes like this grape drink. We know that sounds complicated, but trust us, it’s easier than it seems and definitely worth the result!
If you are already tired of drinking the same coffee every morning, then take a look at these original ideas for making a coffee drink. Lovers of hot coffee, and cold, and even coffee milkshake fans, will find a suitable recipe for themselves. And we are sure that every coffee lover has all the ingredients he needs in his home. If you are just getting to know coffee, then these recipes will definitely be a pleasant discovery for you!