Best heads up displays for today’s drivers
Safety is a crucial topic that runs in most minds of drivers. If you have to be safe, you must ensure that your eyes are on the road and ensure that you are following all the rules on the road. The regulations include keeping up with the right speed of the car and ensuring that you are mindful of other motorists on the road.
To ensure that your eyes are entirely on the road, excellent vision should be highly considered. Good vision is critical if you are mindful of your safety and that of other motorists. Sometimes you have to put on those lenses for you to be on the safe side. Glasses are a legal requirement for drivers, so if you are to drive without your glasses, you can invalidate your insurance as a driver.
On matters to do with safety, HUDs or heads up displays are an essential aspect all the same. HUDs are responsible for displaying vital driving information directly on the driver’s line of sight. Such crucial information includes the speed of the car, the temperature of the engine, and also navigation of directions. Some of the HUD systems display the data directly on the windshield or a different screen.
HUDs are becoming highly famous with all types of cars, including the latest models in the market. If you desire an affordable system or a high-end system with a price that can match it up, it will be effortless to find it. If you have not decided yet on the type of HUD system you want, then you are reading the right article. We have carefully singled out five of the best heads up displays for your car.
- Garmin heads up display

If you want something simple, then you should consider purchasing Garmin. Garmin HUD is a lightweight and small device that is placed on a dashboard. This HUD displays information through a see-through film fixed on your windshield or through a reflector lens.
You can automatically adjust the brightness of this HUD display from time to time. The HUD provides time to time navigation directions. This is especially important if you do not know the names of the street or the direction of moving from one street to another. It also displays the car speed limit so that you are cautious about driving on dangerously high speed. It’s a trusted device since a trusted manufacturer has also manufactured it.
- Arpenkin HUD X5
This is one of the cheapest HUDs you can buy today. It’s a compact device that is wallet-sized. It displays information directly on the car’s windshield. This device shows the vehicle’s speed, engine revolutions, and also the digital gauges for the car’s voltage and the temperature.
sits on top of the dashboard, and it needs to be fixed onto the vehicle’s OBD2 port. If you have decided to purchase the Arpenkin HUD, you should first ensure that you know where your OBD2 port is located in your car. The port is usually under the dashboard or on the side of the steering wheel sometimes, but rarely; it can be found under the carpet. You should, however, note that this HUD is only compatible with American and Europe cars that were built after 2004 and Asian cars that were built after 2007.
- Timprove universal HUD
Unlike the previous options discussed above, this depends on LCD rather than displaying the information directly on the windshield. This HUD is universally compatible with any car, and it sits perfectly on your dashboard at an eye level.
As you drive, be assured that this device will display valuable information on the high definition screen. Such information includes vehicle speed, journey distance, driving direction, and driving time. The data is not only meant for your safety but also for convenience. For instance, if you are to tour your town, the device will display the direction of the street and where you should turn to while driving.
With this device, you can set a speed alarm that warns you if you exceed the expected or the permitted speed limit. It also adjusts its brightness to ensure that it suits the environment in which you are in at that particular moment. You also don’t need to keep switching it on or off; it will switch automatically with your car’s ignition.
On matters to do with safety, this device can also be used to test the performance of brakes before you embark on any journey.
- Navdy HUD
This is another fantastic HUD that is suitable for your car. This device is mounted on the dashboard, and it displays information on a glass screen at an eye-level direction. You can quickly check on your driving status as you keep your eyes on the road.
This HUD can also be connected to your mobile phone so that you have access to Google maps, text messages, and calls. You can receive calls, read text messages, and access Google maps all without having to keep your eyes off the road or having to keep fiddling on your phone. All you need to do to connect it to your mobile phone is through the use of Bluetooth. You need to connect it to Bluetooth, and you are good to go.
, like the other HUDs, also displays some basic yet vital information such as car speed, fuel level, and even your journey distance.
- Kivic HUD
This is also a good HUD that can be mounted on the dashboard. It can also be connected to your android or IOS mobile phones so you can have access to your most needed mobile apps or information.
Kivic HUD device is also very compatible with most navigation apps such as Google maps and the likes of Waze. This compatibility allows you to find the best route on the road. The brightness is also adjusted automatically according to the changing conditions as you drive.
Kivic is universally compatible; all you need to do is plug the device on your cigarette lighter and then mount it on the dashboard with the adhesive sticker that has been freely provided.