The Calories in a Glass of Wine vs. Shot of Whiskey vs Beer

Ever wondered how you have reduced calorie intake on your meals, you are taking a light fat-free breakfast, or skipping it all together, stopped eating dessert/sugary snacks, started a more rigorous exercise routine and yet your scale shows you the same weight every day or worse at times as it shows more than the previous day.

Good God, what’s going on here!

Have you considered that glass of beer or wine, or shot of whiskey, or even 2, that you have every evening to take the edge off?

Yes, those glasses of wines or beer or a shot of whiskey,they take the weight away from your head but put it all around the rest of your body.

If you haven’t checked the calories for those drinks in a while, or ever, maybe it is time to do so.

I think you will be amazed at what you are adding back into your diet with these seemingly innocent drinks.

calories in wine
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Standard Drink

The intoxication level depends on the quantity of alcohol present in a drink. The quantity of beverage containing 14 grams of pure alcohol is considered as a standard US drink.

The table below depicts different beverages with the serving sizes equivalent to 14 grams of alcohol in them and also the ‘Alcohol by Volume’ (ABV) in those serving sizes.

Beverage TypeServing SizeABV
Beer12 oz5%
Malt Liquor8.5 oz7%
Wine5 oz12%
Liqueur2.5 oz24%
Brandy, 80% proof Gin, Whiskey, Vodka1.5 oz40%

Factors Determining Calories in Alcoholic Beverages

Each alcoholic drink has different calories in it. When you consume any of these drinks, you add on that many calories in your diet. And mind you, it is all empty calories with no nutritional values what-so-ever.

Below you will find the different calories present in different types of beverages. But before delving into the calories of different types of beverages, let us first understand the factors that determine the calories in all these alcoholic beverages.

There are 3 factors that decide the calories in a drink.

  • Serving Size
  • Quantity of Alcohol
  • Quantity of Carbohydrate or sugar

It means that the quantity of alcohol and carbohydrate present in a particular serving size of the beverage would determine the amount of calories in it.

Now, a simple piece of information- every gram of alcohol contains 7 calories, and every gram of carbohydrate contains 4 calories.

It means a standard drink would contain a minimum of 98 calories plus additional calories depending on the carbohydrates present in the drink.

Calories in Beer

From light beer to the stronger IPA beer, the calories in a serving of beer range from around 90 to over 300.

However, the average calorie revolves around 175-200 calories in a moderately strong beer. Here is a list of some popular beers alongside their respective calories with a serving size of 12 oz.

Type of Beer Serving SizeCalories
Bud Light12 oz101
Miller Light12 oz96
Michelob Ultra12 oz92
Guinness12 oz125
Blue Moon Belgian White12 oz164
Coronado Idiot IPA12 oz241

Calories in Wine

There are many factors that contribute to the ABV of wine, including:

  • Variety of Grape
  • Type of wine
  • Vineyard (harvesting) location
  • Harvesting time

For instance, a late-harvested grape would have a higher ABV of 11% compared to an in-time harvested grape, where ABV is as low as 7%.

German wine usually has high ABV rates due to the cold climatic conditions and the national grape harvesting regulation.

Due to the above conditions, German wines are made with higher residual sugar for balancing the acidity of the wine. The typical sugar value in a German wine would be around 55-60 grams/liter.

Now, how do you differentiate between a dry wine, semi-sweet, or sweet wine? The following table depicts the type of wine along with their respective sugar levels as defined by the European Union regulations.

Sugar LevelWine type
Above 45 grams/literSweet Wine
18-45 grams/literOff-dry Wine
Less than 18 grams/literDry Wine

With this information, let us now have a look at the calorie levels of different types of wine.

Calories in White & Red Wine

As the color of the wine changes from ‘White’ to ‘Rose’ to ‘Red, the calories increase in that order.

A dry redwine has the maximum calorie averaging around 100, and in comparison, dry white wine would hover around 90 calories.

Sweetened wine will have higher calories. So, if you are particularly calorie-conscious, avoid having these types of wines.

No keep in mind the table below is just an average of that particular wine. The actual calorie count will vary from wine to wine within that category based on ABV, carb levels, etc..

Type of WineServing SizeCalories
White Table Wine5 oz121
Monastrell5 oz130
Fume Blanc5 oz121
Sangiovese5 oz126
Muller Thurgau5 oz114
Cabernet Franc5 oz123
Pinot Blanc5 oz121
Grenache5 oz122
Sauvignon Blanc5 oz120
Red Table Wine5 oz124
Rioja5 oz113
Burgundy5 oz128
Tempranillo5 oz113
Gamay5 oz115
Malbec5 oz118
Mouvedre5 oz131
Grenache5 oz122
Zinfandel5 oz131
Priorat6 oz122

Calories in Sparkling, Dessert and Fortified Wine

Sparkling wine is wine with a very high level of CO2 in it. Champagne is the most popular example of sparkling wine.

Though there are few Australian or Italian sparkling wines which are red, most sparkling wines are either white or rose.

EU guidelines define the sweetness level of sparkling wine.

Sugar LevelWine type
<3 grams/literBrut Natural
<6 grams/literExtra Brut
<12 grams/literBrut

The definitions of Dessert wine and Fortified wines are not very clear. Different countries have different definitions. For instance, in the US, any wine with more than 14% ABV is termed as a dessert wine. This includes even fortified wines. So, it is not the sugar level but the ABV that defines the dessert wine in the US.

However, in the UK, it is dependent on the time of serving wine with reference to mealtime. A dessert wine is served during the meal, while white and red fortified wines are served before and after the meals, respectively.

Here are the calories of some of the known sparkling, dessert, and fortified wines.

Type of WineServing SizeCalories
Prosecco (brut)5 oz110
Asti Spumante5 oz98
Champagne (brut)5 oz115
Dry Dessert Wine3.5 oz157
Red Dessert Wine3.5 oz165
Dry Vermouth3 oz105
Ruby Port3 oz139
Sweet Sherry3 oz165

Calories in Liqueurs

Liqueurs contain comparatively high-calorie levels.The following are some of the more sought after Liqueurs with their serving size and calorie levels.

Type of LiqueursServing SizeCalories
Bailey’s Irish Cream2.5 oz141
Apricot Brandy2.5 oz200
Crème de Cacao2.5 oz246
Drambuie2.5 oz275
Kirsch2.5 oz223

Calories in Whiskey and Other Distilled Beverages

Distilled Beverages (Spirits), on an average, contain moderately high-calorie levels. An alcoholic drink comes in the category of distilled beverage if it has 15% ABV and contains pure and distilled alcohol content, which is much safer for human consumption.

These are non-preserved drinks with or without the addition of color.

Mainly, beverages like brandy, gin, rum, vodka, whiskey, etc. fall into the category of Spirits.

It is due to the fact that these beverages undergo thorough head and tail separation during their precise distillation process; these drinks are free from most of the fermentation by-products and, thus, have significant calorie levels.

In this particular category, drinks with high-calories like Vodka or Rum, etc. are advised to be taken with tonic, fresh lemon juice, calorie-free club soda, sugar, or high-sugar beverages. On the other hand, brandy comprises the least content of calories.

Type of Distilled BeverageServing SizeCalories
Brandy1.5 oz98
Gin(86 proof)1.5 oz106
Gin(94 proof)1.5 oz116
Rum (86 proof)1.5 oz106
Rum (94 proof)1.5 oz116
Vodka (86 proof)1.5 oz106
Vodka (94 proof)1.5 oz116
Whiskey (86 proof)1.5 oz106
Whiskey (94 proof)1.5 oz116
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Calories in Cocktails

Cocktails are multiple precise and wide-ranging blends of different types of alcoholic beverages mixed with, usually, sugary mixers. The calorie content in cocktails has an extra-wide range.

On one extreme, some cocktails like highballs have calorie contents far lower than white table wine. However, on the other extreme cocktails like Mai Tai is a real calorie bomb!

Type of CocktailServing SizeCalories
Highball8 oz110
Bloody Mary4.6 oz120
Mai Tai5 oz395
Margarita4 oz168

These were the calorie levels of different types of alcoholic beverages. So, if you are on a diet, the next time you order a drink or make one for yourself, just check that it does not interfere with your diet plan.

You can always eat less to drink more

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Photo of author

Author: Justin

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Published in:

Beer, Whiskey, Wine

8 comments on “The Calories in a Glass of Wine vs. Shot of Whiskey vs Beer”

  1. This article is a great resource for anyone looking to make more informed choices about their drink consumption, especially entrepreneurs who often find themselves in networking situations where drinks are involved. Balancing calorie intake with social drinking can be a challenge, and this breakdown really puts things into perspective. It’s interesting to see how the calories vary significantly between different types of drinks. I appreciate the detailed analysis and tables, which certainly help in planning healthier drink choices. The insights on how to mix drinks with low-calorie options are particularly useful. Thanks for sharing this—it’s definitely a handy guide for maintaining a balance between social engagements and health goals.

  2. Alaine, I’m glad you found the article helpful! It’s indeed enlightening to see the calorie content laid out so comprehensively. While this can aid in choosing lower-calorie options at social events, it’s also key to remember that moderation is essential, regardless of the drink’s calorie count. Moreover, in keeping with the theme of making informed choices, I think it’s important to also consider the ingredients that contribute to the taste and experience of each drink, which was not covered extensively in the article. Again, an excellent point on using low-calorie mixers to keep the overall calorie consumption in check. Very well-summarized!

  3. Absolutely, Susi! It’s wonderful to hear that you found the calorie comparisons helpful! Balancing the joy of social gatherings with mindful drinking choices is a real art. Your suggestion about considering the ingredients is spot-on. Each beverage does indeed offer a distinct vibe and blend of flavors that contribute to our overall enjoyment. Personally, I always find it fascinating how adding a different mixer can transform the same base spirit into a completely new experience—both in taste and calorie content! Thanks for bringing up such an insightful angle. It’s discussions like these that deepen our appreciation for the subtleties in each sip. Cheers to making informed and delightful choices!

  4. Great read and very timely reminder! I’ve always been cautious with my food choices, especially now that maintaining a healthy weight is more crucial than ever. It’s surprisingly easy to forget how quickly the calories from a few drinks can add up. Keeping track of the calorie content in beverages definitely seems as important as watching what’s on our plates. This detailed comparison is something I’ll keep handy when choosing what to drink, much appreciated!

  5. It’s quite intriguing to read an article packed with useful nutritional information regarding our favorite alcoholic beverages; however, I couldn’t help but notice a few grammatical errors that somewhat detract from the overall clarity and professionalism of the piece. For instance, consistent misuse of commas and a few awkward phrasings could be smoothed out to enhance readibility. Additionally, careful attention to the proper use of hyphens, especially in terms like “high-calorie,” would align the text closer to standard writing conventions. It’s always a good idea to proofread before publishing to ensure the content is easily digestible—much like how one should keep an eye on the calorie content of their drinks! Finally, integrating more seamless transitions between sections could greatly improve the flow and make the already fascinating data even more compelling.

  6. Hey Susi, thanks for the insights! Absolutely, understanding the calorie content really helps in making better choices during those fun nights out. I couldn’t agree more about the importance of moderation—it’s easy to get carried away, especially in a festive atmosphere. Also, your point about not delving deeper into the specific ingredients in each drink is spot-on. It would definitely add another layer of appreciation to know what actually goes into creating the distinct flavors we enjoy in wines, whiskeys, and beers. And yes, opting for low-calorie mixers is such a smart move. It’s all about enjoying the night without having too many calorie regrets the next day, right? Cheers to more informed drinking choices!

  7. Fascinating read! I’ve always known that drinks added quite a bit to our daily caloric intake, but seeing the numbers laid out like this puts it all into perspective. The comparison between the different types of beverages is especially insightful. I guess it’s time to reconsider that habitual evening drink, or at least swap out for something lighter if I’m sticking to my fitness goals. It’s clear that those “innocent” drinks can really sneak up on you in terms of calories! Cheers to making more informed choices!

  8. Hi Mariska,
    I completely agree with you! Susi’s breakdown really puts things into perspective. It’s so important, especially for us busy moms, to be aware of what we’re consuming during those rare nights out. The idea of knowing more about the ingredients is fascinating. It might even make for a great conversation starter with friends, don’t you think?
    I love the tip about choosing low-calorie mixers too. I’ve been experimenting with some healthier alternatives, and it’s nice to know you can still enjoy a delicious drink without all the extra calories.
    Here’s to making smarter choices and still having fun! Cheers!

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